Sign up for our USFWS Phenology Network Newsletter, which provides updates on our partnership and resources to assist refuges in implementing phenology monitoring. Past Newsletters:
- Summer 2023: Local Phenology Leader Certification Course
- Winter/Spring 2023: How early was spring at your refuge this year?
- Fall 2022: Year end updates from USFWS data collection campaigns
- Summer 2022: Did your refuge see an unusual spring this year?
- Winter/Spring 2022: Was spring early or late on your refuge?
- Fall 2021: End-of-year update from refuges and data collection campaigns
- Summer 2021: Assistance getting a phenology program started
- Spring 2021: Was spring early on refuges this year?
- Winter 2021: Launching new year of partnership with USFWS
- Summer 2020: Virtual meetings this summer
- Spring 2020: New online phenology training opportunities
- Winter 2020: Phenology Trail Dashboards
- Fall 2019: Results from our migrating bats and butterflies campaigns
- Summer 2019: Training opportunities and new Nature's Notebook app
- Winter/Spring 2019: Report on our partnership
- Fall 2018: Year-end summary
- Summer 2018: How has spring changed on your Refuge over the last century?
- Spring 2018: Phenology dashboards for refuges across the country
- Winter 2018: See when spring will arrive on your refuge
- Fall 2017: New USFWS Phenology Network website
- Summer 2017: Training opportunities at NCTC this fall
- Spring 2017: New monitoring effort - Flowers for Bats in Arizona
- Winter 2017: Spring Nature's Notebook trainings
- Fall 2016: New Phenology Trail Coordinators
- Summer 2016: Apply for a phenology workshop at your Refuge
- Spring 2016: Phenology maps, Americorps as a model for Refuges
- Winter 2016: Maps of spring onset and Cit Sci presentations
- Fall 2015: Increased Federal recognition of citizen science
- Summer 2015: Results from Mayfly Watch, Americorps at Valle de Oro NWR
- Spring 2015: Mayfly Watch, Workshop resources and DOI Learn course
- Winter 2015: Highlights from Valle de Oro NWR, Summarized Data, NCTC Webinar